Posts tagged Children at Vatican
Pope Francis and the Blessing of Same-Sex Couples: What Does it Mean?

Although it means nothing officially, the BBC is right; the Pope’s blessing of same-sex unions is a step in the right direction for the LGBT community. You can rest assured, however, that it will not be enough. Once that door is cracked open, it is a matter of time before it is pushed further open. This is why doctrinal clarity is a blessing for the church, and why it is necessary. Once it is abandoned and God’s Word alone ceases to provide the doctrinal parameters for the church, it is only a matter of time before theological confusion ensues. What we are seeing in the RCC is clear evidence of this.

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We are Superheroes: A Clear Message from Pope Francis to 7,500 Children

Imagine you are a church leader, and you have the opportunity to speak to 7,500 children from 84 different countries on one single occasion. What an opportunity that would be! What would you say? What would your message be to those children? For Pope Francis this scenario became a reality on November 6th, as he had the privilege of hosting 7,500 children in the Vatican.

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